
Let me introduce mydogself: They call me Babette.
I like the way my name sounds.
I hear it a mile away. In fact every time I hear any word that starts with Ba or ends with ettt, my ears perk up.

If , by any chance some one says: "BA guette
or kitchen ETTE , in a sentence, well I am already up and running.

I am called for some reason a sheep dog. Since I look nothing like a sheep and my ancestors are from Shetland Island I prefer sheltie. I would love to travel there one day.
There are lots of sheep where I live, and let me tell you, they stink! Unlike me!  I am kept clean, too clean if you ask me. The human who cares for me is obsessed with cleanliness and it can be a drag.
We daily walk to next door farm on Under The Mountain road and meet the sheep and a mean looking ram. We stay away from him! Sheep are happy to see me and I chase them while the ram snorts.
 I am what is called a service dog, a hearing dog. My human is a bit deaf.  They politely say hard of hearing, but let me tell you, she is quite deaf!
My job is to alert her, door bells are a favorite bark activity. By the evening, running between  bells and rings, herding the sheep, my agility classes and getting myself groomed I am exhausted.  Plain woooofed. 

This diary will be a great place to share with you all my mischief and troubles, whoever you are, dear reader, may you be, four eyed, four legged or two;  even a mice or a cat, all are welcomed here, so are you!
Read on...
Ta ta woof,